Terry McGuire And Ed Harvey Bannerstone Collections

Hardstone banners from upper left: horned with shaft flute, 2.8″, Illinois. green quartz horned 2.75″ Southern Illinois. granite horned 3.25″, Mercer Co., OH. Wisconsin winged 4″, St. Clair Co., IL. ferruginous quartz hourglass 2.4″, Holmes Co., OH. conglomerate granite shuttle 3.5″

Slate banners from the upper left: black glacial slate double-notched butterfly 7″, Michigan. Red claystone double-edged 4.2″, Madison Co. TN. reel 4.75″, Greene Co. IN; double-notched slate butterfly 5.5″, Dubois Co. IN. knobbed crescent 7.75″, Preble Co. OH; clipped wing 3.2″ Ohio, one of 4 known to exist.


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Pendants and Gorgets

By Bill Koup, Albuquerque, New Mexico Personal adornment has always been an important pursuit of mankind. The wearing of specialized adornments for the purpose of